Power Quality interest at ENERGETAB Power Industry Fair in Poland

Power Quality interest at ENERGETAB Power Industry Fair in Poland

ENERGETAB is by far the largest Power Industry Fair in Poland and is held each year in September at Bielsko-Biala in the South of Poland. The fair attracts some 700 exhibitors from a dozen countries presenting the latest technology in the power and energy industry.

Unipower was represented by our partner for the Polish market, IPP Sp. z o.o. (T4B Group).

“ENERGETAB is a very nice meeting place since most of our customers come here for a day or two without being chased by their normal working calendar. We are happy with the response received this year and the new contacts we made,” says Piotr Naszkowski, ICT Director at IPP (T4B Group).

Unipower presented the portable Unilyzer 900 and both the rack-mounted and the wall-mounted (Advanced PQ and Fault Recorder) UP-2210 at ENERGETAB, all connected to the power quality management system PQ Secure.